Väsen Duo

Track List
- Dis
- Silverschottis
- Erlandsson
- Smultrongärds-Ida
- Hardrevet
- Marstalla-Olles brudmarsch
- Gruffalon
- Fröken ska få löken
- Andakten
- Kung Harald
- Den gröna ön
- Stormyren
- Alla ensammas lilla vals
- Svedmark
- Adventspolska
- Verkstad
Welcome to Väsen Duo! A start of something new. We went looking for new sounds, new instruments and new ways of playing together. This is what we found.
It has been a really fun, creative and floaty process to make this recording and we are truly grateful as old experienced musicians to feel the joy of playing music together.
Olov & Micke