The Auld Harp

Olov Johansson & Catriona McKay · Swedish Nyckelharpa and Scottish Harp

The Auld Harp: Olov Johansson & Catriona McKay

Price: 20 euro with post expenses included
Track List
  1. The Auld Harp (Olov Johansson)
  2. Rory + Masbopolketten (Trad)
  3. Going Green (Olov Johansson)
  4. Little fiddler in the fire (Olov Johansson)
  5. Näcken & Skoella (Trad)
  6. Splash (Catriona McKay)
  7. Ballongen (Olov Johansson)
  8. Ruben's Lullaby (Catriona McKay)
  9. Vändningen (Olov Johansson)
  10. Fritz Widlund (Olov Johansson)
  11. January LAMENT (Catriona McKay)
  12. John O’Connor/ Tame her when the snow comes (Trad)
  13. UMEÅ Strathspey / The Melt / fast reel (Catriona McKay/Olov Johansson)
  14. Spelmansglädje (Eric Sahlström)

Sample Tracks

Embrace the moment when two harp traditions meet! Widely recognized for their individual harp talents, Olov is a nyckelharpa master who drives the Swedish harp boldly forward while Catriona, a Celtic harper like no other, is known for playing her Scottish harp to 'sound like an orchestra'. Catriona's creative arrangements and innovative rhythmic use of her harp together with Olov's striking nyckelharpa tunes creates a remarkable musical whole . It's the meeting of two harps but most significantly, two fine musicians who give life to this unique world of music known as 'The Auld Harp'.